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How best to tax my Sprinter van?

How best to tax my Sprinter van?


I'm a carpenter and a full-time carer for my mother. I don't have a tax clearance cert nor will I get one as my taxes aren't the healthiest. I own a Sprinter van and wish to tax it as I will be putting up mileage to hospital visits etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Filed under tax private - Asked by Kieran (Swords) - Tue, 10 Sep, 2024

Answered by: Shane O' Donoghue - Complete Van Advisor - @shane_o_d


Hi Kieran,

Without the tax clearance cert you may struggle to be allowed to tax the Sprinter for commercial use. And in any case, if it is being used for personal reasons as well then it really should be taxed for private use. That will go by the engine size, unfortunately, so it’ll likely be more than the commercial rate would be.

Get in touch with your local motor tax office to make the change if that’s the way you need to go.